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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Belegarth Guilds

Artificer Guild Crest
For a very long time, Belegarth has struggled with how to appreciate and foster the growth of Belegrim who contribute beyond fighting. I'm not just talking about non-combatants; many fighters do amazing amounts of service and create fantastic garb as well!

I'm proud to announce that we've taken the first steps towards both recognizing these people and giving them more opportunities to share, learn, and grow. With the help of a few dedicated Belegrim and knights from various lines, we've put together two new national groups known collectively as "the Guilds". There is one for arts and sciences (the Artificer Guild) and one for service (the Seneschal Guild).

Are these units?

No. Guild membership has no bearing on unit membership or squireship. It is a completely separate entity.

Why are the guilds different from other A&S or Service groups?

First of all, they have the backing of knights from various lineages, giving them a firm foundation of experience. Those knights are currently acting as a council to guide the guilds until they are established enough to draw from their own members. They are designed to be open to all Belegrim who want to learn, but they also have an opportunity to earn ranks for the particularly dedicated.

Seneschal Guild Crest
This ranking system is much like squiring, designed to allow individuals to learn new skills and excel at their current ones. Becoming an apprentice is a matter of getting Council approval, where you will be given a mentor who will guide your learning process. Unlike squiring, the apprenticing requirements are nationally stable, which means a Master of sewing, for example, will mean roughly the same thing no matter where you are. There's a little more about the ranking system on the wiki, but the exact requirements are still under wraps for now.

Also, these guilds are required to keep a library that is available to all Belegrim. It is a place where guild members can put up tutorials or advice columns as they become more skilled. All Masters must contribute to the library before they earn the rank.

How do I join?

Check out the pages for the Artificer Guild or the Seneschal Guild for a complete guide. It's very easy, but there is a formal introduction you'll need to do before you can be considered a guild member.

I'm not sure if I want to join - where can I learn more?

The wiki page covering the guilds is a good place to start. Also, feel free to ask me directly. I will do my best to answer all your questions in a timely fashion.

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