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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

You know you're a Belegrim when...

  1. Any trip to any hardware store is a rainbow of possibilities
  2. Are those pool noodles? Prepare for War!
  3. Every time you drive past a park, you instantly go through a mental checklist to decide if it would be a good place to fight.
  4. Your home is drowning in fabric, leather, or foam, yet you still somehow never have what you need for your next project.
  5. Using colors as a verb is normal to you. Example: "And then I greened him right in the chest!"
  6. You say "arching" to refer to firing a bow.
  7. Any mention of archers makes you cringe. If you are one, you still hate other archers because they give you a bad name.
  8. You go on tirades about the realism of fighting in movies, only to later realize basing your complaints off of swinging foam probably isn't a great idea.
  9. You've decided you need to leave work for a year, just so you can travel the country and fight with all these people you've heard stories about.
  10. You plan your life around big fighting events. This includes both saving days off at work and spending a ridiculous amount of money on camping supplies.
  11. Somehow your circle of friends has slowly become at least 50% other Belegrim, no matter how much of a life you have outside of fighting. Some of these may be people you have "converted" to Belegarth.
  12. If you live where it gets cold, winter is the worst. You've tried to use the extra free time work on weapons and learned why the indoors and contact cement don't mix.
  13. You've collected a small armory in your home, but you haven't touched half of it in at least a year. Never know when you may need that mace again.
  14. You're way better at telling war stories about "that one time, at Bele practice" than actually fighting. You've also spent almost an entire practice doing nothing but swapping stories with your realm mates.
  15. You must have duct and cloth tape on hand at all times. You likely own more tape than most people will use in a lifetime.
  16. Every time you find something new made of or packaged in foam, you can't resist giving it a squeeze to decide if it would be suitable for your next weapon.
  17. You've contemplated or actually started a business that deals in goods for foam fighting. Then you realized fighters are insanely cheap when it comes to garb and gear.
  18. Meeting fighters outside of Belegarth is awful because you can no longer keep their fighting and real name straight. This can lead to difficult conversations, especially when someone's fighting name matches someone else's real name. Example: "So I was talking to Mel..." "Wait, do you mean Fury Mel, Meli Mel, or fighter Mel?"
  19. You've said hello to another fighter in a public place, only to realize everyone's staring at you for yelling their fighting name. Example: "Hey, Meat! So good to see you."
  20. You first thought when moving to a new home is "So where are we going to have room to spar around here?" shortly followed by "How is all of my gear going to fit in this tiny place?"


  1. "You judge the trunk capacity of any new car by how much gear it can hold."

  2. "You start looking at places to live (and by extension, colleges to go to) by whether or not there's a fighting group in the same area.

  3. "Any time you travel out of state to visit family or friends, you're combing the forums and realm map to see if there are any practices you might be able to crash."

  4. You have taken your spear to the car lot to make sure it will fit in your new car
