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Friday, April 11, 2014

Belegarth's PR Position: Part Deux

Since my original post about the new PR Position, I've been nominated to fill that role. After publishing this post, I intend to accept that nomination and officially run for the position.

In light of that, I thought it would be nice to lay out exactly what I envision for Belegarth in the coming year if I were to be elected. I'm the kind of person who likes deadlines and solid plans, so I expect I'd be setting up public dates to go with most of the projects below as I tackled them. Any of those would be open to adjustment as the community saw fit.

So without further adieu, the following is what I would like to see in one year's time. It is not even close every project I want to see done, just the things I think are reasonable from where we stand today with community backing.  Anything marked "stretch goal" is not core, but I think it would be doable within a year given enough help. Even more might be accomplished if prominent community members band together to make it happen.

  • Absolutely critical - Create an official brand for the Belegarth Medieval Combat Society with the help of the WC and the input of all realms who wish to contribute. It will consist of a logo, look and feel, and a definition of how we wish to market (e.g. sport vs. larp, hardcore vs. fun). Realms will not be required to adopt this brand, though it will be available to them. This will be used in all official marketing promotions and channels that Belegarth pursues.
Paper Marketing

  • Official business card template for Belegarth that may be modified easily to suit individual realms.  At least one printing run must be offered to realms within the year, so it is one less thing for realm leaders to manage.
  • Stretch goal: Updated, professional flyer templates for all types of events.
Social Media

  • Create an official list of all Belegarth FB groups and post on the main Belegarth page
  • Update social media to match the official Belegarth branding
  • Create a posting schedule to keep regular content flowing out to the public.
  • Stretch goal: look to expand to social media beyond facebook and centralize updates
Intra-Realm Communications

  • Finish realm audit to get complete contact information and make that easily available to other realms
  • Create an official event calendar for Belegarth and determine a way for realms to easily have their events added.  This information must be available on the wiki and advertised via the boards and facebook.
  • Stretch goal: work with realms to determine if having regional and/or national mailing lists would be helpful to keep everyone in the loop.
Web Properties

  • After the main website is on a CMS, develop an update schedule and system of responsibilities.
  • Unify branding across the main website and the wiki
  • Stretch goal: integrate the wiki and main website more effectively, so there is one portal to all official Belegarth information.
  • Stretch goal: combine writing efforts of existing Belegarth members to create a regularly updated blog that can be advertised via social media.

  • Complete requirements for acceptance of an official Belegarth video and have it approved by the WC/BoD as appropriate.  It should include having Belegarth's official branding edited in.
  • Stretch goal: Complete creation of at least one promotional or instructional video
Demos and External Opportunities

  • Nothing new this year.  Next year, when we've established ourselves, this will be where we really start expanding. 

What do you want to see done with Belegarth's public relations? Add a comment below to let me know.

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